We moved the middle of Aug! The house was finally done and with moose season starting we needed to be on the property so nothing happened to the buildings. Here are some more pictures of the final product; the hearth got its trim along the sides and bottom.

The dining room and kitchen are finished and the windows washed.

We tried something different in this kitchen, Warren put laminate on the walls and then we didn't put a backsplash on the counter. I really like it, it is so easy to clean.

Alectra is showing off the girl's new rug in their room. It is green so their horses have grass to eat when they are playing. :-)

It was harder to get all our stuff from the trailer in this little house than I thought it would be. We traded two big bedrooms for three small bedrooms, a dining room, and a bigger living room. It doesn't seem to have the storage space the trailer had. We seem to all be adjusting and learning how to live in the country. Alectra is helping clean out the big machine shed.

Emerald loves driving the bobcat any chance she gets. She is getting better and better at it.

The week after we moved to the Ranch Warren went up north, almost to Prudhoe Bay, hunting caribou with Phil Slabaugh for a week. They had some good bear stories and saw lots of new country. It is over a thousand miles from Homer! WOW!

Warren got one caribou and it filled my little freezer nicely.

Everyone likes to help grind the hamburger. Of course we never get it ready until late at night so everyone helps wearing their P.J.'s. By the time we are done they probably need another bath.

While Warren was gone the kids and I unpacked more boxes from storage, set up the school room and went to the fair. Jayce made it to the top of this climbing wall twice.

We all enjoyed the trick horse riders and the pig races.

This is what the school room looked like before we started. Emerald said the walls were "macaroni and cheese yellow with avocado trim, GROSS"! Warren painted before he left and the kids and I took the form trailer to Kenai to get carpet.

We just rolled the pad and carpet out on the floor. We will install it correctly when we remodel the whole place. It make a great place for all the school and craft stuff. We started school last week, and so far it is going well.

We set an extra bed up over there as well in one of the rooms. Warren wants to fix the bathroom yet and then we are ready for company. Come and visit!