Warren stayed busy most of the summer working for other people. But while his parents were here he took time to be with them and work on the ranch. I've wanted a clothesline for years but when you're changing houses every two years it just isn't worth the effort. Grandpa Dave put one up for me. They also built a little bridge over the ditch between the house and the schoolroom. Warren and Dave poured a slab in the carport and the house stays three times cleaner.

The biggest project was building a 30' X 96' hoop house to put my garden in. It was a two week project and a lot more work than we thought it was going to be. I'm really looking forward to seeing what I'll be able to grow. Connie and Ron stopped by and pounded a few ground posts in. Isn't it beautiful. We set it behind the shop so I
can't see it from the house. I'm hoping to get another six weeks of growing season and maybe I'll be able to grow some tomatoes and green beans. Yum!

Warren's other big project wasn't on the ranch but on the spit. The yacht he has been working on over the last 9 years moved closer to the water. They had to take it through town and out onto the spit. The police made them move it between 8:30 and 10:00 am on a Tues morning. The phone and electric lines had to be moved and the traffic was backed up for several miles but all went well. The kids and I rode bikes on the spit trail and enjoyed the excitement. They are hoping to get it in the water sometime soon.

My work this summer was mostly weeding, weeding and more weeding. Turning a grass patch into a garden is always hard work and then add to it rain 32 out of 49 days and it is a loosing battle. We managed to harvest a few things but it was a lot of work. I made lots of jelly and did my usual summer ministries of Kid's Church and Family Camp. We had the most beautiful August and September which made up for all the rain. God is good.