Monday, June 20, 2011

Spring Activities

Spring was filled with many activities some of which were photographed, and most of which were not. Warren has enough experience working the backhoe that he feels comfortable giving "rides". I was forced into taking a turn and it wasn't too scary, it was like a little roller coaster ride. 
We hatched a batch of chicks from our eggs in our incubator. Most of the eggs hatched and the chicks were so cute. The girls had a great time teaching them tricks and getting them nice and tame. They eat from your hand and fly up to sit on your shoulders.
Our 4-H club has gotten us interested in Geocaching and we have done a few hunts and fewer finds but we have a lot of fun. We planted our own cache this winter and try and keep it maintained. This was a great hide but the can had been put in the hole upside down and the snow melt soaked all the stuff inside. Everyone found something to trade even though it was wet.
Emerald started taking horse riding lessons with the Tutt's this spring. They have a cute little Shetland named Rachel that is just her size and she is learning to take care of her hoping that we will get to borrow her for part of the summer.
My girls were begging for play dresses so they could be like the Ingall's in the Little House Books. My mom offered to make them some dresses. They came right before Easter and they were so cute I made the girls save them for Sunday dresses. They had some hand-me-downs that were worn and not near as nice to use for play dresses. The girls love to wear them and tell everyone that they are home-made.
She also made Jayce a shirt and it was a good thing. He was playing the piano for the Easter Musical at church and his other dress shirt was too small. He looked very sharp. Jayce and his cousin Brandon were part of the trio that played the 6 songs for the musical. They did an amazing job and it was fun to see them rise to the challenge.
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