Monday, March 19, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our friends and family,

Since school is such a major part of my life I decided to give you a pop quiz. Circle the letter in each group of statements that is FALSE. 

Warren stayed busy:

  1. Remodeling the sanctuary at Christian Community Church
  2. Getting our Hoop House ready to plant
  3. Eating pie and ice cream every day
  4. Using the backhoe to clean up and landscape our property
  5. Getting the yacht in the water after working on it for 10 years

Ellirene worked at:
  1. Sleeping 12 hours a night and reading for pleasure
  2. Educating 4 great kids to think and reason for themselves
  3. Working in the Children's ministry at church
  4. Feeding and cleaning the members of my household

Jayce fills his time:
  1. Rebuilding and fixing computers for family and friends
  2. Daily blowing things up as he "finally" gets to take chemistry
  3. Working in the sound booth at church
  4. Being Warren's right hand man at home and at work

Emerald flies through her days:
  1. Reading as much as she can possibly get by with
  2. Working to convince her parents the ranch needs a horse
  3. Directing her sisters in the myriad of pretend games they play
  4. Enjoying the chore of washing eggs

Alectra spends the hours:
  1. Loves to help weed and vacuum when it is her turn
  2. Playing with Playmobil and Barbies
  3. Practicing piano and competing with Alexis over who has harder music
  4. Reading, ballet and holding the cats fill in any free time
Alexis enjoys:
  1. Playing pretend with the other girls
  2. Competing with Alectra over anything that come along
  3. Vacuuming and weeding are her two favorite chores
  4. Kitties, books and ballet

Together we:
  1. Planted and weeded 3000+ sq. ft. of Hoop house and garden
  2. Butchered 65 chickens, 7 Turkeys, and canned 100 pints of salmon
  3. Have canned and frozen a winters worth of veggies
  4. Sell 100 dozen eggs a week

As a family we:
  1. Partnered with some friends and purchased a Laundromat
  2. Learned to make our own hay with our new "old tractor"
  3. Went on vacation to the Antarctic this summer
  4. Enjoy working and playing together

As a family we:
  1. Hope that you have a wonderful holiday season with family and friends
  2. Pray that you cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ
  3. Trust that you will live life full of joy and contentment
  4. Are all on Facebook every day for several hours
  5. Invite you to check our blog: occasionally

Love, Warren, Ellirene,
Jayce, Emerald, Alectra, and Alexis
13    11        8        8

The correct answers are: 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3, 4,

  May Jesus be real in your life, this season and throughout the year.
Homemade eggnog is SO yummy!

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