Thursday, January 10, 2013

Suburban VS Moose

Yes, we are fine!  The moose was dead on impact.  The suburban didn't do so good but Emerald and I walked away with a few scratches and nicks.
We were on our way home from Anchorage and in Happy Valley we passed a couple cars and when I could see again there was a cow moose sprinting across my lane. I had time to swerve a little and touch the brake before I hit its left shoulder.  Its head hit the center of the windshield and then wrapped around the passenger side of the car.  The center post between the doors is shoved in at least 6 inches and the back seat window frame is shoved back about the same amount.  The bar that is behind the grill/headlights is shoved into the battery at least 8 inches. 

Emerald and I were covered with super fine pieces of glass, I had it in my mouth and eyes, we even had chunks in our undies.  My knuckles got cut from the windshield coming in and the right side of Em's face had little nicks from the passenger window blowing in.  She also had a little goose egg on her forehead from something and that was it.

We have a lot to be thankful for.  There wasn't any traffic. We were right by the Happy Valley Store so I coasted off the road and into their parking lot.  We went inside and could clean up and rinse off the glass and blood.  Some guy called the troopers and did all that stuff so I could focus on Emerald and make sure she was doing o.k.

Emerald had been sleeping with her head against the passenger window and had just awakened and sat up.  I praise God for his Mercy and Perfect Timing. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if she would still have been sleeping.

I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.  For great is your love toward me; you delivered me from the depths of the grave.  Ps. 86:12

God IS Good!
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  1. You guys are so blessed. Moose are like camels in Arabia in that they have long legs which means that if you hit them with a car, they tend to flip up and crash directly through the windshield ending up in the front seat. A smaller animal would would deflected to to the side by the grill or just go under the car. I can't tell you how many people are killed each year in Saudi Arabia hitting camels.

  2. Love you blog! Keep us in the loop! So happy you and Emerald are ok!
