Thursday, December 26, 2013

Summer gardens growing

Third year of the High Tunnel producing,  and I finally feel like I might know what I'm doing.  We planted seeds this year rather than growing starts and transplanting.  The difference was amazing.
The plants got larger and produced more, at an earlier date.  We had over 100 ears of sweet corn, bushels of green beans and plenty of other yummy things.

These pictures were taken mid-July, by the end of the summer we could not walk down the paths.

Jayce won division champion at the Kenai Peninsula Fair for his pumpkin.

Alectra won her division in Created crafts.

Alexis won with the bell she and Grandma Irene made, in the group needle craft division.


A sink full of puffball mushrooms that grow all over our fields.  They are so yummy. 
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1 comment:

  1. What a lovely garden!!! No wonder LuAnn was so impressed by it!! She had such a good time with you all.
    Those tomatoes are fabulous!!
    Grandma B.
